What Is the Best Type of Grass for Central Florida?

Dreaming of a lush, green lawn that’s the envy of the entire neighborhood? It all starts with choosing the best grass type for your Central Florida lawn. The area’s unique hot, subtropical climate allows warm-season grasses to grow very well throughout the year. So, which grass is best for your lawn? A lot depends on your local soil type, as well as how much maintenance you’re willing to do. Here’s a guide to the best types of grass for Central Florida lawns. 

St. Augustine Grass

This grass variety featuring a wide leaf blade is the most popular grass found across Central Florida. When properly maintained, St. Augustine grass forms a dense turf that’s tolerant of most soil types. While it’s a warm-season grass type, some cultivars tolerate shade very well, too.

St. Augustine grass can be gorgeous as long as you’re taking care of it the right way. You should always mow to a height of two to four inches and always be on the lookout for pests like cinch bugs, as well as signs of common diseases like patching or gray leaf spot. Many homeowners find that leaving lawn care to the pros keeps pests and diseases at bay, helping their lawns grow dense, green, and gorgeous.

Learn More: 4 Essential Tips for Zoysia/St. Augustine Lawn Care in 2023


Looking for dense, beautiful turf that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance? Central Florida homeowners love Zoysiagrass—it not only has good shade tolerance, but it also has good disease resistance.

Maintaining Zoysiagrass is much easier to maintain than St. Augustine grass, but it still requires an expert touch to ensure your turf stays pest- and disease free. Look out for large patches and hunting billbugs—the most common problems in a Zoysia lawn. You’ll also need to aerate or dethatch at least once per year and fertilize seasonally to ensure healthy growth.


Central Florida homeowners looking for low-maintenance grass often choose Bahiagrass for their lawns. It’s extremely drought-tolerant; resistant to most insects and diseases; and requires less-frequent mowing—in other words, it’s ideal for open acreage or large yards.

Bahiagrass tolerates sandy or infertile soil, and it isn’t prone to insect problems. If you choose Bahiagrass for your lawn, keeping up with regular aeration and fertilization can give your lawn the extra help it needs to grow healthy and green, year after year.

Learn More: Which Lawn Should I Choose for My Yard? (Zoysia, Bahia, St. Augustine)

Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control Keeps Central Lawns Looking Their Best

No matter what variety of grass you choose for your lawn, keeping it lush, healthy, and green can be a time-consuming challenge. Leave lawn care to the pros at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Apopka and you can count on a yard that not only looks beautiful but also feels great underfoot. We’ll help you pick the best grass for your soil type and maintenance needs, so you can achieve the gorgeous lawn you’ve always dreamed of. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 to schedule your free lawn care consultation!
