4 Flowers That Bloom Year-Round in Florida

Thanks to Florida’s warm, sunny climate, many blooming flowers and plants thrive in gardens all year round. With the right combination of plants, you can add perennial color to your yard and outdoor space. Here are four flowers that bloom year-round in Florida—add them to your yard to enjoy gorgeous color from season to season.

Blanket Flower

A gorgeous plant native to Florida, the Blanket flower makes an excellent ground color. Most species feature multi-colored flowers in bright red, yellow, or orange tones, with blossoms bursting in early summer until the first frost—which usually never comes in most parts of Florida. This flower is easy to grow since it thrives in nutrient-poor soil. All it needs is plenty of sun and minimal rainfall to enjoy the vibrant colors of the blanket flower year-round.


The bougainvillea is a favorite flower for many people, thanks to its gorgeous color and impressive size. This versatile vine or shrub can grow along the ground or up walls, trellis, or other supports. As a vine, a healthy bougainvillea can reach heights of up to 30 feet. Grown along the ground, it can spread up to 10 feet, making an excellent ground cover. This plant blooms profusely, and in Central Florida’s hardiness zone, you can expect vibrant flowers to bloom on and off throughout the year.

Bougainvillea is easy to grow in Florida’s climate. It needs full sun, with slight shade in the afternoon in summer to protect the vine from the heat. Make sure to keep this plane well-watered, especially in summer.


This tiny but mighty shrub shoots up flares of tubular, bright red flowers when it blooms—which can be all year long in Central Florida. The Firespike can reach several feet in height, and it even looks attractive at times when it’s not in bloom. If you’re looking for a great plant for a pollinator garden, the Firespike is a great option. Its nectar attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, so you can enjoy some colorful visitors in your yard. It grows well in full sun in moist soil, so water daily during dry spells.

Gerbera Daisies

The beautiful Gerbera daisy blooms all year long in Florida, especially in Central and South Florida. The large blooms in orange, pink, purple, red, or white can appear throughout the year and last for several weeks at a time. While they’re easy to care for and require full sun most of the year, make sure Gerbera daisies get some afternoon shade during hot weather.

Give Your Yard the Royal Treatment with Evergreen

Florida’s unique climate lets home- and business-owners grow beautiful flowering plants all year round but caring for them isn’t always easy. Leave lawn, tree, and shrub care to the experts at Evergreen Lawn & Pest Control – Apopka, and enjoy a beautiful landscape, without ever lifting a finger! Call us today at (407) 880-6655 for your free consultation.
