Are Your Trees Ready for the Next Florida Hurricane?

Hurricanes are a concern for many Florida homeowners year after year. Not only can the floods they bring cause catastrophic damage, but the winds can wreak havoc on your property—including your landscaping. Trees are often hit hard by the strong winds of a hurricane, and a study by the University of Florida found that most trees can only withstand a Category 1 hurricane.

The best way to preserve the beauty of your landscape—and keep falling trees from damaging your home—is to take great care of your trees. Here’s how to tell if your trees are ready for the next Florida hurricane, and what you should do to prepare them.

Prune Carefully

Pruning is the most critical thing you can do to give your trees the best chance of surviving a hurricane. When trees are young, train them to develop an evenly spaced framework of healthy branches along a strong trunk. Carefully prune the length of competing branches and stems so that you can extend this form as high as possible into the tree.

If you have any trees on your property 15 feet tall or over, it’s best to hire a professional arborist to handle the pruning before hurricane season arrives. Your tree care expert will skillfully remove dead branches, along with overly long ones. They’ll shorten or remove any cracked branches and thin out the canopy to reduce the chance of the tree blowing over during strong winds. Most importantly, your arborist will protect your family and your home by removing low branches close to your roof.

Even if you don’t think your trees need pruning, the expertise of an arborist is invaluable. Reach out to your local tree care experts for a tree evaluation every two years.

Select Trees Carefully

If you’re planning on planting a new tree, the best way to protect your landscape is to choose the species carefully. Choose species that offer superior wind resistance, and make sure to plant trees away from structures and utilities.

As you’re shopping for trees at your local nursery or garden center, choose trees that have straight—not circling—roots. Also, look for options with one dominant trunk, with branches equally spaced from each other. In general, trees with a low center of gravity and deep root systems—like the native live oak—are more likely to survive strong storms than other options.

Plant Carefully

The strongest trees are often the ones with the densest root systems, and the placement of trees in your yard matters. As you plant new trees, give them adequate rooting space with no obstructions like structures or sidewalks. Small trees need an unobstructed area 10-by-10 feet around the trunk, while large trees need about 30-by-30 feet. It’s best to plant trees in groups to make them more wind-resistant.

Protect Your Trees From Hurricanes With the Help of Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control

Want to give your trees the best chance at survival during a hurricane? Call the tree care experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Orlando today! We’re ready to evaluate your trees and suggest the right steps to take to ensure they’re well-protected from the strong winds and rain of hurricanes and tropical storms. Give us a call at (407) 880-6655 and schedule your free consultation!
