6 Most Common Lawn Diseases We See in Central Florida

Keeping your lawn healthy, lush, and green is a delicate business. Not only do you have to mow, water, fertilize, and aerate appropriately, but you also must keep a lookout for troublesome lawn and grass diseases and fungi. In a warm, wet place like Florida, several harmful diseases tend to flourish throughout the year. From brown patch disease to leaf spot fungus, root rot to goosegrass, here are the most common lawn diseases and fungi you’ll find in Central Florida.

1. Brown Patch Disease

One of the most prevalent lawn diseases throughout Florida, brown patch disease is often found in St. Augustine grass and lawns with fescue grasses. The brown patch fungal disease in Florida can be severe if not treated right away, forming when daytime and nighttime temperatures are high. Humidity and rain can contribute to the spread of the disease, which can be tough to treat when it takes hold.

2. Dollar Spot

This common lawn disease feeds on every warm-season grass, so lawns throughout Florida can be affected. When the problem spreads, you’ll notice lesions in silver-dollar-sized spots across your lawn. Maintaining proper soil fertilization can prevent Dollar Spot from harming your grass.

3. Leaf Spot Fungus

Too much moisture and poor air circulation are the typical causes of leaf spot fungus, a lawn disease that creates spots on foliage and grass. Your lawn care professionals will use an eco-friendly fungicide to treat the grass and prevent reoccurrence.

4. Root Rot

While commonly seen in trees and shrubs, root rot can also damage the turf in your lawn. Identifying root rot is difficult, so reach out to your local lawn care professionals to determine the cause of the problem and the best way to treat it.

5. Goosegrass

This unsightly weed is common throughout Florida, and it can drag down the appearance of your lawn in a big way. If you’re noticing weeds with whitish, flattened stems, you’re likely dealing with pesky, invasive goosegrass. If this weed becomes established in your yard, expect to see it year after year. This weed can lead to diseases like Sugar Cane Mosaic, so don’t let it linger in your yard. Instead, call the lawn care experts to remove the problem once and for all.

6. Crabgrass

Crabgrass thrives in Florida’s warm, humid climate. Hot summer days can create bare spots in your yard—the perfect place for crabgrass to take root once the rainy days of hurricane season arrive. Crabgrass is tricky to treat once it’s taken root in your yard, so don’t wait to contact your local lawn care experts, otherwise, the problem will spread.

Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control Can Restore Your Lawn to Perfect Health

No matter what type of lawn and grass disease or fungi may be plaguing your Florida yard, the lawn care experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control in Apopka are ready to treat it, once and for all. Using proven-effective, eco-friendly methods, we’ll restore your grass to perfect health, so you can enjoy the trophy lawn you’ve always dreamed of. Schedule your free consultation by giving us a call today at (407) 880-6655!
