Wondering if you should fertilize your lawn this fall? As the summer season comes to a close, the lush, green grass that graced your yard a few months ago may be starting to lose its vibrancy. September is actually a great time to give your lawn the boost it needs for healthy growth in the upcoming months. Let’s explore why September is an ideal time for lawn fertilization in South Florida.

The Benefits of September Fertilization

Fertilizing your lawn in September is well worth it. Here’s why:

  • Milder Weather: South Florida’s scorching summer heat can make it challenging to keep your lawn looking its best. By September, the weather starts to cool down, making it more comfortable to work in your yard. Additionally, the cooler temperatures promote better nutrient absorption in your grass, making it the perfect time for fertilization.
  • Encouraging Root Growth: Fertilizing in September allows your grass to focus on root development rather than top growth. Stronger, deeper roots help your lawn withstand the occasional drought and maintain its health throughout the year.
  • Preventing Weeds: Applying fertilizer now can help your grass thicken up, creating a dense turf that naturally inhibits weed growth. It’s a proactive measure that reduces the need for herbicides later on.
  • Preparing for Spring: A September fertilizer application sets the stage for a beautiful, lush lawn come springtime. The nutrients your grass receives now will be stored and used when it begins growing again in the spring. It’s like giving your turf a head start!

Learn More: What Your Lawn Is Telling You – Common Problems & Solutions

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

Different grass types require different fertilizers. You need to consider the specific needs of your grass type. In our region, those include St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Zoysia, each with their specific requirements.

For example, St. Augustine grass thrives with a fertilizer high in nitrogen and potassium. Bermuda grass, on the other hand, prefers a balanced fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content. Zoysia grass benefits from a slow-release fertilizer that provides a steady supply of nutrients over time.

It’s best to consult with a lawn care expert, so you can determine the ideal fertilizer blend for your lawn’s needs. We ensure your grass receives the right nutrients in the right quantities, promoting healthy growth and vitality.

Learn More: Ultimate Guide to Granular vs. Liquid Fertilizers

Service Choice of South Florida: Your Fertilization Experts

At Service Choice of South Florida, we understand that maintaining a beautiful lawn in South Florida can be challenging, no matter the time of year. Our team of experienced professionals is well-versed in the unique needs of South Florida lawns and can provide expert guidance on lawn care practices like fertilization.

We know what works and when it works best, priming your yard for healthy growth next spring. With our expertise and top-quality products, you can trust that your lawn will be the envy of the neighborhood. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 and schedule your free lawn consultation!

Tired of seeing brown patches on your lawn? It might be due to the damage caused by chinch bugs. These tiny insects measure only about the size of a pencil eraser, but they can cause major damage to your lawn if you don’t deal with an infestation quickly and efficiently. Chinch bugs are a common pest throughout South Florida, but with the right strategies in place, you can remove a chinch bug infestation and keep it from coming back. Read on to discover five simple tips that help you avoid chinch bug lawn damage and keep your lawn looking lush and green all year round.

1. Keep your Lawn Healthy

The first step to avoiding chinch bug lawn damage is to keep your lawn healthy. A healthy lawn can better withstand the damage caused by chinch bugs. Make sure to fertilize regularly, water deeply, and mow at the right height. Avoid overwatering your lawn, as it can create an ideal environment for chinch bugs to thrive.

Learn More: What Your Lawn Is Telling You—Common Problems & Solutions

2. Monitor the Signs of chinch Bug Damage

Keep an eye out for the signs of chinch bug damage. The most common signs of a chinch bug problem are:

  • Yellowing or browning of grass: chinch bug damage often starts with patches of grass turning yellow or brown, indicating stress and damage to the turf.
  • Irregularly shaped dead patches of turf: The affected areas of turf may have distinct boundaries, forming irregular patches of dead or dying grass.
  • Presence of chinch bugs: You might observe small, dark-colored insects with white markings on their wings within the affected areas, especially near the soil surface.

3. Use Insecticidal Soap

Insecticidal soap is an effective and natural way to control chinch bugs. Using this soap will not only get rid of chinch bugs, but it will also prevent them from coming back in the future. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label carefully and spray the soap in the areas where chinch bugs are present.

4. Practice Good Lawn Care

Good lawn care practices can go a long way in preventing chinch bug damage. Aerate your lawn once a year to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots. Mulch your grass clippings instead of bagging them to create a natural fertilizer. Use organic lawn care products to avoid harsh chemicals that can harm your lawn.

Learn More: Can chinch Bugs Be Transferred by Lawnmowers?

Contact a Reputable Pest Control Company

The very best way to deal with a chinch bug infestation is to contact a reputable pest control company as soon as possible. Remember, though, that not all pest control companies are created equal, and most of them don’t know how to treat chinch bug damage. Evergreen of West Palm Beach understands how to treat chinch bugs and keep them away from your property, so they stop doing damage to your lawn.

Keep chinch Bugs Away From Your Lawn With the Help of Evergreen

If you suspect chinch bugs have moved into your lawn, don’t wait to call the pest control experts at Evergreen of West Palm Beach. We’ll remove a chinch bug infestation and keep these damaging pests from returning. Call us today at (561) 734-9269 for your free consultation and say goodbye to chinch bugs for good!

Finding patches of brown grass on your Florida lawn? Fungus or disease may not be to blame—a sod webworm infestation may be the cause. These pests can cause damage to your lawn by eating the blades of grass, which can lead to unsightly brown patches. Luckily, there are several methods to get rid of sod webworms and prevent further damage to your lawn. Read on to learn all about the process of treating sod webworms in Florida.

Identify the Sod Webworms

The first step is to confirm if you have sod webworms in your yard. You can identify these pests by examining the blades of your grass. If you see small holes or chewed blades, then it’s a good indication that you have webworms.

You can also spot a sod webworm infestation when you mow your lawn. If you notice small, dark-colored moths flying around while mowing, it’s another indication of sod webworms. If you need help determining what pests have set up shop in your yard, don’t wait to contact your trusted pest control experts at Service Choice as soon as possible.

Apply Beneficial Nematodes

Beneficial nematodes are microscopic worms that can provide an effective solution to get rid of sod webworms. These worms can penetrate the webworm’s body, which releases bacteria that can kill them. Keep in mind that beneficial nematodes are suitable only for mild cases of sod webworms and may require several applications.

Use Insecticides

Using insecticides is one of the most effective ways to get rid of sod webworms. There are several types of insecticides that you can use, but it’s essential to choose the one that’s safe for your lawn and doesn’t harm any beneficial insects. Consult with a professional to determine the best option for your specific situation.

Plant Sod Webworm-Resistant Grasses

Some grasses repel sod webworms. This method is ideal if you want to prevent future infestations, but it does require an investment of time and money if you’re completely reseeding your lawn. Some species of grass, such as bermudagrass and Zoysia grass, are not attractive to sod webworms. Consult with the lawn care experts at Service Choice to determine the best species of grass for your specific situation.

Maintain Proper Lawn Care

One of the best ways to prevent sod webworms is by practicing proper lawn care. This includes regular watering, fertilizing, and mowing. Keeping your lawn healthy and well-nourished will help prevent these insects from causing significant damage.

Protect Your Lawn With the Help of Service Choice

Need help with a sod webworm infestation? Don’t let these damaging insects ruin an otherwise healthy lawn. Instead, contact the pest control experts at Service Choice of Oakland Park right away. We’ll determine the best course of action for your situation, so you say goodbye to these nuisance pests once and for all. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 for your free estimate!

Did you know your lawn is always trying to communicate with you? There are several signs and symptoms that indicate your lawn is in distress and understanding them can help you diagnose and solve them effectively. Read on to discover what your lawn might be telling you and suggest some solutions to fix them.

Yellow or Brown Spots

If you see yellow or brown spots on your lawn, it could be a sign of various issues. One of the most common causes is overwatering, which can cause root rot and other problems.

On the other hand, if the brown spots are patchy and located in high-traffic areas, they might be a result of compaction, a condition that arises when the soil gets too tightly packed, making it difficult for the roots to absorb nutrients.

Solution: In case of overwatering, try to adjust your watering schedule and decrease the amount of water you apply. You might also want to aerate your lawn to reduce compaction and improve airflow through the soil. If the issue persists, consult a professional for further advice.

Bare Patches

Bare patches on your lawn are not only unattractive but can also lead to erosion and weed infestation. One of the most common causes of bare patches is thatch, a layer of dead plant material that accumulates between the soil and grass stems.

Solution: The solution for bare patches is to rake away any thatch and reseed with the appropriate grass type—talk to your trusted lawn care professionals to determine what type is best for your yard. You can also use sod or plugs if the area is more significant.


Weeds can be unsightly, but they can also cause long-term damage to your lawn by competing with your grass for nutrients and water.

Solution: The solution is to apply a pre-emergent herbicide early in the growing season to prevent weeds from germinating. If weeds have already taken over, you can try to use a post-emergent herbicide to kill them.

Pest Infestations

Pest infestations can be a significant threat to your lawn’s health and can be challenging to detect until they’ve already done significant damage. In Florida, there’s no shortage of pests that can destroy your beautiful lawn, including grubs, chinch bugs, and so much more.

Solution: The solution is to identify the pests infesting your lawn and use the appropriate control method. You may also consider using organic or natural methods to avoid harming beneficial insects and pollinators.

Is Your Lawn in Distress? Call the Lawn Care Experts at Service Choice of Ft. Lauderdale

Understanding what your lawn is trying to tell you is the key to maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn. Be vigilant with the signs and symptoms of common problems and take proactive steps to solve them before they become severe. If you’re not sure what’s causing the problems, don’t hesitate to consult the lawn care experts at Service Choice of Fort Lauderdale. Call us today at (954) 568-9955 to take the first step toward a lush, green lawn.
