Does St. Augustine Grass Reseed Itself?

Over time, all lawns require some attention and rejuvenation to maintain their health and beauty. This holds true for any grass variety, including St. Augustine grass. If you’ve noticed that your St. Augustine lawn has developed bare spots, thatch buildup, or unsightly brown patches, it’s time to invest in lawn repair. But how do you do that? While some grass can reseed itself, St. Augustine grass cannot. Here’s what you need to know. 

St. Augustine Grass Doesn’t Reseed Itself

When it comes to renovating St. Augustine grass, sod and stolons are the go-to options. This warm-season grass doesn’t reseed itself and isn’t propagated by seed, so vegetative propagation is the only way to go. 

The process involves using creeping stolons that emerge from either St. Augustine plugs or sod. With proper care and attention, these stolons will establish themselves and grow into a lush, healthy lawn. Keep in mind that St. Augustine grass requires plenty of water and nutrients to thrive, so it’s important to provide regular and consistent maintenance. Overall, renovating St. Augustine grass with sod or stolons is a reliable and effective way to achieve a beautiful, vibrant lawn.

Learn More: Which Lawn Should I Choose for My Yard? (Zoysia, Bahia, St. Augustine)

Caring for St. Augustine Grass Lawns

St. Augustine grass is typically considered a high-maintenance turfgrass–but its dense, green beauty is well worth the effort. By partnering with the right lawn care service provider, you can ensure your new St. Augustine grass lawn grows quickly and healthily, adding instant appeal to your landscaping. Here’s how to care for your new lawn:

  • St. Augustine grass lawns are hungry, and it’s critically important to fertilize the right way in its early stages of growth. The lawn care experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control will apply an eco-friendly fertilizer within the first few months of growth, along with spring and mid-summer fertilization.
  • The proper height of your new lawn depends on its sun exposure. If your grass gets full sun, mow to maintain a height of one inch. For lawns with more shade, mow to maintain a height of three inches.
  • Lawns that have been weakened due to insects or environmental conditions are often prone to weeds. Your lawn care experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control will apply eco-friendly pre-emergent weed control products to combat annual weeds. 

Learn More: 4 Essential Tips for Zoysia/St. Augustine Lawn Care in 2023

Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control Can Restore Your St. Augustine Grass Lawn

Ready to renovate your St. Augustine grass lawn? Experts including the University of Florida, suggest the ideal method for renovating St. Augustine grass is through sod or stolons. With their fast and effective growth, these two methods ensure a healthy and beautiful lawn without the hassle of planting seeds.

When you’re ready to transform your lawn, call the lawn care experts at Evergreen Lawn and Pest Control – Orlando. We’ll restore your lawn through sod or stolons and implement a customized treatment plan that encourages fast, healthy growth. Call us today at (407) 880-6655 for your free consultation!
