How Do I Know if My Yard Has a Disease?

Living in Florida definitely has its perks, but unfortunately, one downside is the constant threat of lawn diseases. Despite taking all the right measures to ensure a healthy lawn—fertilizing, watering, and mowing regularly—Florida’s unique climate can still provide a breeding ground for several common lawn diseases.

These diseases can come in many different forms and can be challenging to treat; from brown patch fungus to grey leaf spot, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of disease and take action right away. By being proactive and observant, you can maintain a beautiful, healthy lawn. Here are some of the most common lawn diseases to look out for.

Brown Patch Fungus

Seeing brown patches in your yard? Your grass may be suffering from brown patch fungus, one of the most common lawn diseases affecting Florida landscapes. This lawn disease commonly occurs during the cooler months from November to May, when temperatures are below 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re mindful of the moisture your lawn is getting, you can often prevent brown patch fungus before it sets in.

If you spot small patches—around one foot in diameter—of grass that turn yellow and then reddish-brown, you’re likely dealing with brown patch fungus. These patches will expand as the disease spreads.

Helminthosporium Leaf Spot

Helminthosporium leaf spot is a fungus that can affect all types of warm-season turfgrass, but Bermuda grass tends to be hit the hardest. Be on the lookout for its telltale signs during mild, wet periods in the fall and winter. What’s interesting about this disease is that at any time of the year, you can find at least one species of the Helminthosporium fungus thriving.

How do you know if your lawn is fighting this fungus? Keep a watchful eye on your grass for any signs of leaf spot disease. Though the symptoms can vary greatly depending on the pathogen and host pair, they often include small brown or purple-colored spots on the grass blades. In more severe cases, the infected blades may turn a reddish-brown or purple color, which can give your lawn an overall strange appearance.

Grey Leaf Spot

If you have St. Augustine grass, you may have heard of a grey leaf spot. This pesky fungal disease typically appears from late spring to early fall, especially during rainy periods. But did you know that overuse of quick-release nitrogen fertilizer and compacted soil can make it worse? These common practices enhance the disease’s severity, making it even more frustrating to deal with. So, if you’re noticing grey leaf spot on your lawn, it’s best to limit your fertilizer use and take steps to improve soil drainage to prevent it from getting worse.

If you’re noticing small, olive-green to brown spots on your plants, it’s possible that you’re dealing with Grey Leaf Spot. These spots can enlarge and form circular to oblong shapes that are often tan to brown and have distinct dark-brown margins. Under humid conditions, spores can be produced in the center of these spots, making them look velvety gray. Over time, the affected area of the lawn may appear thin and almost as though it’s suffering from drought.

Don’t Deal With Lawn Disease on Your Own—Call the Experts at Service Choice

Even the most diligent lawn care regimen can be derailed by a pesky disease. Lawn diseases are difficult to diagnose and even harder to eliminate with DIY methods. Luckily, there’s a solution that can give you peace of mind and a lawn to be proud of. Service Choice West of Palm Beach is ready to tackle even the toughest turf troubles. Call us today at (561) 734-9269 to schedule your free lawn evaluation!
