
Insights From Evergreen

Want to learn all the best DIY lawn care and pest control tips right from the professionals? Our blog covers key insights, tips, and tricks to help you care for your home or business—inside and out! You’ll also find relevant industry insights and local news. We want to keep you in the know, so you can enjoy your property to the fullest!

Can’t find what you’re looking for here? Give us a call at Central Florida: 407-880-6655 or at South Florida Florida: 954-568-9955. We’re happy to talk lawns, plants, and bugs with you any day!

We update our blog regularly—every week, on average. So, keep checking back for the latest inside scoop from your friends at Evergreen.

Our Blog

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Pest Control Service

Whether you’ve spotted some creepy crawlies in your home or you’ve noticed that nuisance pests have set up shop in your lawn and garden, working with a reliable pest control service is the only way to handle the problem for good. Not all pest control companies are created equal, so it’s up to you to…

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What’s The Best Way to Get Rid of American Roaches?

Spotted an oversized roach in your home? American cockroaches are a nuisance pest found in homes throughout Florida—and around the world—at any time of year. Often mistakenly called a water bug or palmetto bug, these resilient pests can carry diseases and pose health hazards to humans and pets. In short, seeing even one of these…

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Do Whiteflies Come Back Every Year?

Worried your South Florida property is infested with whiteflies? In our warm climate, these nuisance pests are rapid reproducers that can attack ornamental plants and trees, vegetable gardens, and more. There are over 75 species of whitefly in Florida, but the two most problematic for Florida landscapes are the ficus whitefly and the rugose spiraling…

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Do Florida Cockroaches Carry Diseases?

While there’s plenty to love about South Florida’s unique climate, nuisance pests love the state’s warm, humid weather, too. The entire region is highly susceptible to infestations, but there’s one pest that’s often more troublesome than the rest—the cockroach. Whether you call them palmetto bugs, water bugs, or croton bugs, one thing is certain: a…

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